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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Develop Your Emergency Business Plan Today | SERVPRO® of Northwest Bergen

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

If the day comes where your business is hit with disaster or emergency, you can rest assured SERVPRO of Northwest Bergen will be there to help.

Oftentimes, running a company requires more than typical full-time job hours. Between employees, payroll, and staying current on economic and technical advancements, as well as innovating and presenting a professional image on social media…it’s a lot to manage and can be difficult to strike a balance.

Being so busy, it’s easy to let even important tasks like disaster preparedness slip the mind. But it often just takes one disturbance to derail a company for good. According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses are unable to reopen after a catastrophe, and a quarter of those that do reopen are forced to shut within a year.

If the pandemic shutdowns taught us anything, it’s that it’s more critical than ever for companies to have an emergency or catastrophe plan in place. Some 75% of small companies do not have an emergency strategy in place, and that has to change. You’ve worked hard to get your company to this point, and now you should do all that is possible to safeguard it and ensure its continued success.

SERVPRO of Northwest Bergen is committed to assisting companies in the area, such as yours, in being prepared by collaborating with you to develop an Emergency Ready Plan. We help you by assessing your unique requirements and concerns in relation to your location and industry.

We’ll cover everything from flood damage to data recovery, so that in the event of a crisis, you’ll have a strategy in place that reduces delay and impact. You and your staff will understand precisely what to do and when to do it.

Don’t let inadequate preparedness make your company’s journey even more difficult than it already is. Allow SERVPRO’s specialists to prepare you with an Emergency Ready Plan today. It may prove to be the deciding factor in whether or not your company survives a crisis.

When your business is ready to prioritize planning and safety to prevent extended downtime, contact SERVPRO to get the Emergency Ready Plan underway from the folks who know all there is to know about disaster and recovery.

Visit our Google Listing at SERVPRO Northwest Bergen Google Page

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