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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

A Custom Cleaning Solution for Your Post-Pandemic Business Needs | SERVPRO® of Northwest Bergen

6/22/2021 (Permalink)

If you’re business has sanitation and cleaning needs, get in touch with the SERVPRO of Northwest Bergen team.

With major metro areas like New York City finally making significant progress in the area of COVID-19 recovery, hopes are high that “real life” will be on its way again soon, and business owners are hoping to see a return to economic normalcy as well.

But as customers and employees return to on-site work and in-store shopping and dining, they need assurances from local business owners that the environments they’re stepping into are safe.

That’s why your business needs to be Certified: SERVPRO® Cleaned.

Get Certified: SERVPRO® Cleaned

The Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program uses high-grade biohazard solutions and technologies much deeper than typical cleaning and janitorial services can offer to give your customers the confidence they need as they return to your business or office.

By mitigating concerns about sanitation, you can give your teams and patrons valuable and loyalty-engendering peace of mind. They’ll feel great about returning to your business knowing they don’t need to be fearful of contagious diseases of any kind, not only the coronavirus.

What makes this program stand out? It’s the three C’s:

Consult. We’ll work together to customize a cleaning strategy that adapts to the needs of your unique context. It helps that SERVPRO of Northwest Bergen is locally owned and operated, so we are already accustomed to many of the complexities of northeast New Jersey.

Clean. Once we settle on an attack plan, we’ll get to the “fun” stuff—giving your building the cleaning of its life. Equipped with proprietary, hospital-grade cleaning suspensions that are effective against everything from MRSA to anthrax, we’ll give your workplace an extreme cleaning that meets or surpasses the CDC’s strict guidelines. And we’ll focus on more than COVID-19 prevention—our goal is to create a worry-free environment that gives your customers protection from a host of infectious diseases.

Certify. Maybe the best part is you have a way to let your returning customers and potential newcomers know about all this before they even come inside. With the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned shield displayed in your window, on your door, and on your website and social outlets, you can radiate peace of mind to anyone who walks by or checks out your business.

If you’re ready to get serious about sanitation and have your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, get in touch today to get the best team in cleanup and restoration on your side.

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