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Turn on the Green Light to Honor Verterans

11/10/2015 (Permalink)

Waldwick - Every Nov. 11, the nation takes a day to honor all those who have served in the armed forces. 

This year, in addition to a procession at 10:45 a.m. in front of American Legion Post 57 and a ceremony at Veterans Plaza at 11 a.m., Mayor Thomas Giordano is urging residents to take part in an initiative that would make it more obvious just how much the borough supports its veterans.

"To show our thanks to our veterans in all they have done for all of us, I ask all Waldwick residents to change a single light bulb in the front of your home to green to show support for those who have served," Giordano said in a statement.

Giordano's call is part of the nationwide initiative called Greenlight A Vet. The website describes the initiative as a "campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green" with the color green signifying "hope, renewal and well-being" as well as offering a "greenlight" forward for veterans who are back home.

American Legion Post 57 Commander John Vervoort said he appreciated the initiative and Giordano's support of veterans.

"[In] our post, we've got men from the 'Greatest Generation' that served in the Pacific and European theaters and all war eras, up until now," said Vervoort. "I know, to me, I'm going to be very interested to see how many green lights are out there. It's going to touch my heart to see it."

For Giordano, along with recognition, the green lights will serve as a quiet "thank you" to all veterans.

"As Veterans Day approaches, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all our Waldwick veterans and all veterans for your sacrifices and selflessness as you make our country a better place," said Giordano. "Your dedicated service to our country will never be forgotten. You are examples of how courage and leadership leads to service. And we owe all of you a debt of gratitude."

For information about local Veterans Day ceremonies, visitlegionpost57.org



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