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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Ways Commercial Damage Affects Our Businesses | SERVPRO® of Northwest Bergen

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Northwest Bergen is your local commercial disaster team. Contact us to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services.

In the United States, we pride ourselves on the success of our businesses and our economy. Every single person utilizes a business, or multiple, in our daily lives.

The men and women who run our country’s businesses have a lot to handle, from managing the daily operations to handling the complex economics of the company that customers never see. When a disaster strikes, it can really put a damper on business and have dire consequences for the owners.

Natural disasters continue to do increasing amounts of damage to our homes and businesses in the United States. In fact, over the last five years, the NCEI shows that our country has seen over $153 billion worth of damage annually, which is a noticeable increase from the previous period.

Here in Bergen County, we know about the destruction from storms all too well, including storm damage in the summer months. We even frequently see batches of 90 degree-plus heat waves directly after a brutal session of thunderstorms.

Below are the common ways nature can damage our businesses and how to tackle them:

<h2damage">Water Damage

Water is a significant threat to the structure of a business. Excess water and moisture can cause devastating damage over the long-term and often stem from natural causes. Flooding is a common cause of this damage.

Because heavy precipitation occurs fairly frequently, it is important to make sure your building is resilient. Inspect your roof to make sure it’s healthy and substantial. And you should also consider landscaping in a mindful way to redirect water away from your business.

Leaks that go unchecked are another major cause of damage. When wood begins to rot due to the unchecked presence of water, irreparable damage can happen, leading to large parts of your building needing to be replaced. To prevent this, routinely check on your exteriors and keep an eye out for water damage on walls and ceilings.

<h2damage">Storm Damage

Storms are the next leading cause of damage to businesses, and it’s because the destruction can be widespread. While most leaks only damage one building, a storm has the potential to destroy entire blocks of businesses.

Even small storms are able to disrupt the power grid and tear trees out of the ground that can wreak havoc on a building’s structure. The more powerful weather events can even rip off commercial roofs and do irreversible damage that can force the closure or relocation of a business.

While most of the storms in our area cause winds between 10 and 45 mph, strong storms like the ones we see in the warmer months can produce winds of over 100 mph. Storms with this level of strength can rip walls apart and even lift large trucks completely off the ground.

While it is possible to limit the damage from storms by installing storm-protective windows and door covers, these ideas can be costly.

But you can also perform simple tasks like checking your window and door seals and inspecting the building on a routine basis to help prevent extensive damage or costly repairs. Prior to a storm, it’s a good habit to remove any potential hazards on your property that could become dangerous debris and hit property or other people.

<h2who-to-call">Know Who to Call

While commercial damage can occur in many ways, water and storm are the most likely. In the event of these things, closing a business to make repairs is doubly costly.

Fortunately, our 247 availability allows us to quickly respond to any disaster you could face. It’s important to our expert team to find the right restoration plan for you and implement it properly.

If you have experienced damage to your business or want to learn more about our commercial damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

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